Order or buy in store Hormeta & Marcapar products
Marcapar, natural herbal hair care.
Say no to harmful ingredients! Chemicals harm your scalp and your hair health. If you choose to strengthen and nourish your hair, with brightness and volume opt for Marcapar products. Marcapar products are solely available at your Marcapar herbal dye hairdresser present throughout France and a few locations abroad such as at Spa Tais Montreal.
Take the Marcapar quiz to find out what are the best products for you.
Products available at our hair salon:
Shampoo for blond, brown, black, and red hair.
Hair mask blond, brown and red hair.
Hair mask for dry or greasy hair.
Hair oils: for hair loss, oily hair, dry hair.
Styling products: wax, cream, paste, gel, spray.
Hair dye
We offer natural herbal hair dye at our salon.
Order by phone or email, send us your request to get the price list.
Hormeta, swiss skin-care
Hormeta, swiss skin-care
High-end professional skincare line only available at selected beauty salons. You can browse our products selection at our salon (2110 Saint-Laurent street in Montreal). You can also pre-order your products by phone or email.
Our best sellers are
HormeTime Tri-Logic Collagen Cream 50 ml
HormePure Tonic Water 200ml
Ultimate Serum n8 30 ml
HormeMoist Infini Nutri Nuit
HormeMoist Lipo-Carrot Edelweiss
HormeMoist Hydro Mineral Cream
HormeSoft Soothing Gentle Cream
HormeGold Re-Generation Cream
HormePure Cleansing Beauty Milk 200 ml
Eye Contour Gel Rescue Mask
HormeFLASH Gold Shining Mask
HormeGOLD Re-Generation Cream